Monday, March 10, 2008

Comments & Spam

The Biking Flurries post below was posted yesterday (with a photo) but I deleted and re-entered it today. I'll add the photo back in tonight from my home computer. Why did I do this? Because somebody apparently attached a comment which started a "virus scan" program. Even if it was legitimate, we don't need random advertisements attached to post comments. I upped the security level on the blog settings and turned on a code verification to block automatic spam. If you have a problem, leave a message at or at my personal email (you probably know it).
Dirt Dad HP

Biking Flurries

Tim & I took a 21-mile spin Sunday afternoon in the cloudy, 20-something temperatures. We had a few snow flurries during the ride, too. The joints were stiff and I'm not talking about the bikes. Toes & fingertips started to freeze but was a good way to beat back some winter blahs. Tell us about your recent ride. We all need the encouragement, right?
Dirt Dad HP