Yesterday after shoveling the ice berm that the county snow plows formed at the base of my driveway, I contemplated what JP told me just a few hours earlier: that the ski was clear & crisp and about a year ago he enjoyed a winter ride on some snow-packed gravel road. I suppose since JP is still getting around on crutches after his hip surgery, he's especially thinking about the joy of riding again as soon as possible. It will be awhile for him to ride but the thought stayed with me, too. Yesterday evening was a carbon copy of that evening so after the driveway was chipped and cleared I pulled the Rockhopper from its hook in the garage and ventured out on the almost deserted streets of my neighborhood. It felt good to pedal again. Just to prove I was really out there I rode over to Tim's even though it was only about a mile to his condo and back. I announced to a surprised Tim that "Biking season is officially open!" I cranked out an impressive 2 miles or so total, somewhat timid to go much farther since I didn't have a single light or reflector on me or the bike.
Come on guys, top this! It shouldn't be too hard. Just some encouragement for you. And, yes, spring is coming but ride now, even if it's inside.